警方在明尼苏达州的Le Sueur营救了一名青少年,并在9小时的僵持后逮捕了一名成年人。 Police rescue a juvenile and arrest an adult after a nine-hour standoff in Le Sueur, Minnesota.
明尼苏达州Le Sueur的9小时对峙成功结束,营救了一名青少年,并逮捕了一名可能陷入家庭困境的成年男性。 A nine-hour standoff in Le Sueur, Minnesota, ended successfully with the rescue of a juvenile and the arrest of an adult male involved in a potential domestic situation. 这名成年人将自己关在南梅因圣南区的一所房子里,与少年关在一起。 The adult had barricaded himself in a house on South Main St. with the juvenile. 据报没有人员受伤,涉案个人的详细资料尚未公布。 No injuries were reported, and details of the individuals involved have not been released.