菲律宾警方向公众保证,他们的枪支管制方案的目标不是政治,而是许可证过期。 Philippine police assure public that their gun control program targets expired licenses, not politics.
菲律宾国家警察(PNP)向公众保证,其旨在确保负责任的枪支所有权的“振兴的卡托克”方案不是出于政治动机。 The Philippine National Police (PNP) assures the public that its "Revitalized Katok" program, aimed at ensuring responsible firearm ownership, is not politically motivated. 该方案以持有过期许可证的枪支拥有者为目标,要求他们续签许可证或交存火器。 The program targets gun owners with expired licenses, requiring them to renew their permits or deposit their firearms. 近17 000名持枪者已续签执照,超过10 000人已交存火器。 Nearly 17,000 gun owners have renewed their licenses, and over 10,000 have deposited their firearms. PNP负责人隆梅尔·马尔比勒强调了该方案的法律和程序性质,目的是减少未登记的火器和潜在的暴力。 The PNP chief, Rommel Marbil, emphasized the program's legal and procedural nature, aiming to reduce unregistered firearms and potential violence.