M42和巴林皇家医疗服务伙伴改善医疗保健,重点是移植和教育。 M42 and Bahrain's Royal Medical Services partner to improve healthcare, focusing on transplants and education.
M42是全球卫生领袖,巴林皇家医务处已组成一个战略联盟,以提高保健质量和获得保健的机会。 M42, a global health leader, and Bahrain's Royal Medical Services have formed a strategic alliance to enhance healthcare quality and access. 这一伙伴关系将利用克利夫兰阿布扎比诊所的专门知识,为巴林患者提供先进的心脏和肺移植手术。 The partnership will provide advanced heart and lung transplant surgeries for Bahraini patients, using expertise from Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. 它还注重医学教育、研究和技术开发,以改善本区域的保健服务。 It also focuses on medical education, research, and technology development to improve healthcare delivery in the region.