科威特卫生部长概述了先进保健设备和数字记录的计划。 Kuwait's Health Minister outlines plans for advanced healthcare equipment and digital records.
科威特卫生部长Ahmad Al-Awadhi博士强调了利用先进设备和医务人员持续培训加强保健的计划。 Kuwait's Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi, highlighted plans to enhance healthcare with advanced equipment and continuous training for medical staff. 在Al-Adan医院举行的国内医学部第一次科学会议上宣布了这一重点,展示了诸如帕金森和中风专业医疗单位等成就。 This focus was announced at the Internal Medicine Department's first scientific conference at Al-Adan Hospital, showcasing achievements like specialized medical units for Parkinson's and stroke. 该部还旨在实现医疗记录完全数字化。 The ministry also aims for full digitalization of medical records.