爱岛明星Shaughna Phillips在伦敦的一辆公共汽车上发生小车祸,没有严重受伤。 Love Island star Shaughna Phillips had a minor car accident with a bus in London, with no serious injuries.
爱岛明星Shaughna Phillips在伦敦驾驶她一岁的女儿时, 与一辆双层巴士发生小车祸。 Love Island star Shaughna Phillips was involved in a minor car accident with a double-decker bus in London while driving her one-year-old daughter. Phillips在Instagram上分享了受损车辆的照片,强调安全,并对没有发生严重伤害表示宽慰。 Phillips shared photos of the damaged vehicle on Instagram, emphasizing safety and expressing relief that no serious injuries occurred. 这是菲利普斯自2020年获得名声以来的第二起公路事故, 她以前讨论过她女儿与被监禁的父亲比利的关系。 This is Phillips' second road incident since gaining fame in 2020, and she has previously discussed her daughter's relationship with her incarcerated father, Billy.