爱岛明星Malin Andersson和她的女儿 及时逃脱了一场汽车爆炸 Love Island star Malin Andersson and her daughter escaped a car explosion just in time.
爱岛明星Malin Andersson和她的女儿Xaya在开车时着火后逃离了一场汽车爆炸。 Love Island star Malin Andersson and her daughter Xaya narrowly escaped a car explosion after it caught fire while driving. Andersson在Instagram上分享说,他们设法在汽车爆炸前逃到安全地点。 Andersson shared on Instagram that they managed to run to safety just before the car exploded. Andersson在四月需要消防员协助, 当她的女儿意外地把自己锁在车里时, This isn't the first time they faced a road scare; in April, Andersson needed firefighters to help when her daughter accidentally locked herself in the car. 一名BMW发言人说,他们将进一步调查这一事件。 A BMW spokesperson said they will investigate the incident further.