伊朗当局逮捕了抗议政府和最近抗议活动的活动分子Mehdi Nasiri。 Iranian authorities arrest activist Mehdi Nasiri for criticizing the government and recent protests.
伊朗当局逮捕了前强硬报纸编辑Mehdi Nasiri, 因为他批评执政制度及最近抗议的处理方式。 Iranian authorities have arrested political activist Mehdi Nasiri, a former editor of a hardline newspaper, for criticizing the ruling system and its handling of recent protests. 他的妻子Fereshteh Mazinani报告了逮捕事件,逮捕发生在Nasiri拍摄了一段讨论历史遗址的视频之后。 His wife, Fereshteh Mazinani, reported the arrest, which occurred after Nasiri filmed a video discussing historical sites. 逮捕他的原因不明确,国家媒体也没有报道。 The reasons for his arrest are unclear and have not been reported by state media.