尼日尔记者Seyni Amadou在Canal 4 TV之后因批评政府而遭停职逮捕。 Niger arrests journalist Seyni Amadou after Canal 4 TV faces suspension for criticizing the regime.
尼日尔记者Seyni Amadou是Canal 4 TV的编辑,在对军方领导的政权发表批评性报道后,他的频道被停播一个月,之后被捕。 A journalist in Niger, Seyni Amadou, editor of Canal 4 TV, was arrested after his channel was suspended for a month following a critical report against the military-led regime. 该报告将总理及其部长列为政府的弱点。 The report ranked the Prime Minister and his ministers as weaknesses of the government. 这起事件引起了人们对尼日尔新闻自由的担忧, 尼日尔在2021年新闻自由指数中名列第80位。 This incident has sparked concerns over press freedom in Niger, which ranks 80th in the 2021 Press Freedom Index.