印度启动15 000卢比的篮子基金,以完成10万个停滞的中产阶级住房单元。 India launches Rs 15,000 crore fund to complete 100,000 stalled middle-class housing units.
印度财政部长Nirmala Sitharaman已宣布15,000卢比SWAMIH基金2.0, 用于完成10万套停建的住房单元, Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced a Rs 15,000 crore SWAMIH Fund 2.0 to complete 100,000 stalled housing units, benefiting middle-class families. 该基金是一个混合融资机制,由政府、银行和私人投资者提供捐款,在早先完成50 000个单位的基金取得成功之后,该基金获得了成功。 The fund, a blended finance facility with contributions from the government, banks, and private investors, follows the success of an earlier fund that completed 50,000 units. 预计到2025年将完成另外40 000个单元,解决推迟完成公寓完工的问题,并帮助陷入经济困难的家庭买主。 Another 40,000 units are expected to be completed by 2025, addressing the issue of delayed apartment completions and helping homebuyers stuck in financial hardship.