Slimming World的创始人Margaret Miles-Bramwell于76岁死亡,在体重管理方面留下遗产。 Founder of Slimming World, Margaret Miles-Bramwell, died at 76, leaving a legacy in weight management.
Margaret Miles-Bramwell, Slimming World的创始人,于76岁去世。 Margaret Miles-Bramwell, founder of Slimming World, died at 76. 她于1969年建立了减重公司,该公司在2000年开创了第一个国民保健服务转介计划。 She established the weight loss company in 1969, which pioneered the first NHS referral scheme in 2000. 2009年,Miles-Bramwell因其对公共卫生的贡献而获得OBE奖。 Miles-Bramwell was awarded an OBE in 2009 for her contributions to public health. 她也是Majorca和英国造船商Pearl Yachts一家剧院的主人。 She was also the owner of a theatre in Majorca and British boat builder Pearl Yachts. Miles-Bramwell被人们铭记在心,因为她在帮助人们无羞无耻地控制体重方面表现出了慷慨的精神和热情的信念。 Miles-Bramwell is remembered for her generous spirit and passionate conviction in helping people manage their weight without shame.