新郎跳了一首有争议的歌曲 冒犯了新娘的父亲 德里的婚礼就被取消了 A Delhi wedding was called off after the groom danced to a controversial song, offending the bride's father.
德里的一场婚礼被取消,因为新郎随着有争议的宝莱坞歌曲“Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai”跳舞,冒犯了新娘的父亲,认为这是不尊重的。 A wedding in Delhi was canceled when the groom danced to the controversial Bollywood song "Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai," offending the bride's father who saw it as disrespectful. 父亲叫停了仪式,尽管新郎试图解释这是一个有趣的时刻,但新娘还是流下了眼泪。 The father halted the ceremony, leaving the bride in tears despite the groom's attempts to explain it was meant as a fun moment. 这起事件引发了社交媒体关于传统与个人选择的辩论。 The incident sparked debate on social media about tradition versus personal choice.