新娘父亲穿白色西装出席女儿的婚礼,引发争议。 Father-of-the-bride wears white suit to daughter's wedding, sparks controversy.
新娘的父亲决定在女儿的婚礼上穿一套白色西装,这引起了争议,他的女儿在 Reddit 上分享了这个故事。 A father-of-the-bride's decision to wear a white suit to his daughter's wedding has stirred controversy, with his daughter sharing the story on Reddit. 尽管被告知只有新娘才可以穿白色衣服,父亲仍然坚持自己的决定,称他“有权选择穿任何我喜欢的衣服”。 Despite being informed about the convention that only the bride should wear white, the father defended his decision, stating he has "the right to dress however I please." 新娘的姐姐对这一不寻常的转变表示担忧,而社交媒体的反应则褒贬不一。 The bride's sister expressed concern about the unusual twist, while social media reactions were mixed.