亿万富翁比尔·阿克曼计划 将他的公司从特拉华州搬到内华达州 暗示公司的趋势 Billionaire Bill Ackman plans to move his firm from Delaware to Nevada, hinting at a corporate trend.
Pershing广场资本管理公司首席执行官Bill Ackman宣布计划将他的公司从特拉华迁到内华达州。 Billionaire Bill Ackman, CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, announced plans to move his company from Delaware to Nevada. 这遵循了Droppox的类似决定,表明公司之间可能存在趋势。 This follows Dropbox's similar decision, suggesting a possible trend among corporations. 据信此举受内华达州更有利的税收和监管环境的影响, The move is believed to be influenced by Nevada's more favorable tax and regulatory environment, though Ackman did not specify the exact reasons.