不丹最高统帅访问印度,以加强军事联系和讨论国防合作。 Bhutan's top general visits India to boost military ties and discuss defense cooperation.
不丹皇家陆军巴托·策林中将已开始对印度进行为期六天的访问,以加强军事联系和讨论国防合作。 Lieutenant General Batoo Tshering of the Royal Bhutan Army has begun a six-day visit to India to enhance military ties and discuss defense cooperation. 会谈可能涉及2017年印度与中国对峙的Doklam高原的局势。 The talks may cover the situation in the Doklam plateau, site of a 2017 standoff between India and China. 这次访问是在不丹国王最近访问印度之后进行的,它突出了两国之间的战略伙伴关系。 This visit, following Bhutan's King's recent trip to India, underscores the strategic partnership between the two countries.