研究显示滑板运动员尽管有噪音, 仍依赖“skatesound”来导航和社交。 Study reveals skateboarders rely on "skatesound" for navigation and socializing, despite its noise.
一项新研究强调滑板运动员如何使用“探空声” 来穿行城市表面, 发现它对于校验操作和社会互动都至关重要。 A new study highlights how skateboarders use "skatesound" to navigate urban surfaces, finding it essential for both verifying maneuvers and social interaction. 对于平均有12年经验的19-51岁的滑板运动员来说,这声音是一种感官助听器,可以是治疗性的,特别是对那些患有自闭症或ADHD等病症的人而言。 For skateboarders, aged 19-51 with an average of 12 years of experience, the sound serves as a sensory aid and can be therapeutic, especially for those with conditions like autism or ADHD. 虽然有些人觉得噪音令人不快,但许多人将其视为他们体验的关键部分,不鼓励使用耳机来保持这项运动的公共方面。 While some find the noise unpleasant, many see it as a key part of their experience, discouraging headphone use to maintain the sport's communal aspect.