从2月1日开始, 巴基斯坦高速公路对没有强制性M-Tag的车辆征收25%的附加费。 Starting Feb 1, Pakistan's highways impose a 25% surcharge on vehicles without the mandatory M-Tag.
自2025年2月1日起,巴基斯坦国家公路和高速公路警察提高了非强制性M-Tag车辆的收费率,实行25%的附加费或最低50卢比的收费。 Effective February 1, 2025, the National Highways and Motorways Police in Pakistan have increased toll rates for vehicles without the mandatory M-Tag, introducing a 25% surcharge or a minimum Rs50 fee. 他们敦促通讯员在1月31日之前免费获得M-Tag,以避免额外收费。 Commuters were urged to obtain the M-Tag free of charge by January 31 to avoid extra charges. 这一举措是为了在所有高速公路上实现100%的M-Tag系统,以简化收费收集。 This move is part of efforts to achieve a 100% M-Tag system on all motorways, aiming to streamline toll collection.