作为年度基于消费者物价指数 (CPI) 的通胀调整的一部分,印度国家公路管理局于 6 月 3 日将通行费上调了 5%。 India's NHAI increased toll fees by 5% on June 3 as part of annual CPI-based inflation adjustment.
印度国家公路管理局(NHAI)于 6 月 3 日星期一将通行费上调 5%。 India's National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) implemented a 5% increase in toll fees on Monday, June 3. 收费调整是根据消费者物价指数 (CPI) 通胀变化调整费率的年度程序的一部分。 The toll adjustment is part of an annual process to revise rates based on changes in CPI-based inflation. 全国高速公路网中约有 855 个收费站,其中约 675 个由公众资助,180 个由特许经营者运营。 There are approximately 855 user fee plazas on the national highway network, with around 675 funded by the public and 180 operated by concessionaires. 修改后的收费标准最初定于 4 月 1 日实施,但因人民院选举而被推迟。 The revised toll rates were initially scheduled for April 1 but were deferred due to the Lok Sabha elections.