旁遮普邦政府旨在振兴 Kila Raipur 农村奥运会,专注于传统的牛车比赛。 Punjab government aims to revitalize Kila Raipur Rural Olympics, focusing on traditional bullock cart races.
旁遮普邦的 Kila Raipur 农村奥运会以牛车比赛等传统活动而闻名,由于转向职业比赛,出席人数减少。 The Kila Raipur Rural Olympics in Punjab, known for traditional events like bullock cart races, faces dwindling attendance due to the shift towards professional games. 但旁遮普邦政府计划恢复公牛车赛, 以恢复事件文化遗产及吸引更多访客。 However, the Punjab government plans to revive the bullock cart race, a move aimed at restoring the event's cultural heritage and attracting more visitors. 比赛于1月31日启动, 预算为75万卢比, 包括现代和传统体育, 目的是发掘当地人才, 提升国家体育文化, The games, inaugurated on January 31 with a budget of Rs 75 lakh, include both modern and traditional sports, aiming to uncover local talent and enhance the state's sports culture.