8 000名流离失所的赌博工人中只有100人在最近的菲律宾招聘会上找到了新的工作。 Only 100 out of 8,000 displaced gaming workers found new jobs at a recent Philippine job fair.
在帕萨伊市最近的一次招聘会上,8 000名离乡背井的菲律宾境外赌博经营者(POGO)的工人中只有100人找到新的工作。 At a recent job fair in Pasay City, only 100 out of 8,000 displaced Philippine offshore gaming operators (POGO) workers found new jobs. 尽管有18,000人表示初始利息,但低雇用率是由于工人等待POGO恢复工作、已经有工作或发现提供的工资不足。 Despite 18,000 expressing initial interest, the low hiring rate is due to workers waiting for POGO resumptions, already having jobs, or finding offered salaries lacking. 劳动和就业部(DOLE)正在提供技能培训和生计援助,以支持受影响的工人。 The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) is providing skills training and livelihood aid to support the affected workers.