依据新法,因假打911报警电话躲避警察而被捕,面临长达10年的监禁。 Man arrested for making fake 911 call to dodge police, faces up to 10 years under new law.
Larry Scott Brown,54岁,来自伯明翰,因打假911报警电话,举报抢劫以躲避警方监视而被捕。 Larry Scott Brown, a 54-year-old from Birmingham, was arrested for making a false 911 call reporting a robbery to evade police surveillance. 打电话是为了转移军官的注意力,使其远离他拥有的可疑车辆。 The call was made to distract officers from a suspicious vehicle he owned. 这一事件导致他根据2024年10月1日生效的一项新法律被捕,该法将此类虚假报告归类为C类重罪,可能导致1至10年监禁。 This incident led to his arrest under a new law effective October 1, 2024, which classifies such false reports as a Class C felony, potentially resulting in a 1 to 10-year prison sentence.