Marvin Brown在警察追逐后被捕;面临包括殴打和贩毒在内的指控。 Marvin Brown arrested after police chase; faces charges including assault and drug trafficking.
Marvin Brown, 33岁,来自Cheviot, 12月26日被捕,因为据称在追逐过程中撞撞一辆警车,向警察倾斜,打伤一名警察。 Marvin Brown, 33, from Cheviot, was arrested on December 26 after allegedly ramming a police car and swerving towards officers during a chase, injuring one officer. Brown面临两项指控, 包括两项重罪攻击罪、不遵守命令罪、持有武器罪和三项贩毒罪。 Found with a gun and drugs, Brown faces charges including two counts of felonious assault, failure to comply, weapon possession, and three drug trafficking charges. 他的保证金定为220,000美元,法庭日期为1月6日。 His bond is set at $220,000, with a court date on January 6.