印度将所得税申报时间从两年延长到四年,除其他预算税变动外。 India extends income tax return filing time from two to four years, among other budget tax changes.
印度财政部长尼玛拉·西特拉曼(Nirmala Sitharaman)将2025年联邦预算中提交最新所得税申报表的时限从两年延长到四年。 India's Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman extended the time limit for filing updated income tax returns from two years to four years in the Union Budget 2025. 其他变化包括:以教育贷款免除在教育汇款来源征收的税款,将老年公民利息收入的减税限额增加一倍,提高到1拉赫卢比,并将租金的TDS门槛提高至6拉赫卢比。 Other changes include exempting tax collected at source for education remittances with education loans, doubling the tax deduction limit on interest income for senior citizens to Rs 1 lakh, and increasing the TDS threshold on rent to Rs 6 lakh. 预算还将新创办企业的税收优惠延长五年。 The budget also extends tax benefits for startups for five more years.