提交印度2024-25年纳税申报表的截止日期已延长到2025年1月15日。 The deadline to file belated or revised 2024-25 tax returns in India has been extended to Jan. 15, 2025.
2024-25年摊款年度迟交或订正的所得税申报截止日期已延长至2025年1月15日。 The deadline for filing belated or revised Income Tax Returns (ITR) for the 2024-25 assessment year has been extended to January 15, 2025. 违反这一期限的纳税人面临处罚和可能的法律通知。 Taxpayers who miss this deadline face penalties and potential legal notices. 迟报的处罚因收入水平不同而各有不同:收入最高达5万卢比、收入较高者达5 000卢比的处罚为1 000卢比。 Penalties for late filing vary by income level: Rs 1,000 for those earning up to Rs 5 lakh and Rs 5,000 for higher incomes. 不申报也可能使纳税人无法将损失结转,以抵消未来的税收。 Failing to file may also prevent taxpayers from carrying forward losses to offset future taxes. 纳税人可以在所得税部的电子申报门户上填报他们的申报表。 Taxpayers can file their returns on the Income Tax Department's e-filing portal.