《2024-25年经济调查》敦促放松管制,以促进印度的增长,重点是中小企业。 Economic Survey 2024-25 urges deregulation to boost India's growth, focusing on SMEs.
《2024-25年经济概览》强调,必须放松管制,以刺激印度的经济增长,特别是中小企业的经济增长。 The Economic Survey 2024-25 stresses the need for deregulation to boost India's economic growth, particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). 它呼吁放宽商业规章,以提高效率和降低成本。 It calls for easing business regulations to improve efficiency and reduce costs. 该调查预测,FY26的增长率在6.3%至6.8%之间,并建议在全球不确定因素中注重国内增长。 The survey projects FY26 growth between 6.3% and 6.8%, and suggests focusing on domestic growth amid global uncertainties. 它还建议加强基础设施和技能培训,以管理技术对工作岗位的影响。 It also recommends enhancing infrastructure and skills training to manage the impact of technology on jobs. 调查强调必须不断进行改革和投资,以实现持续增长。 The survey emphasizes the need for continuous reforms and investment to achieve sustained growth.