南加州的Costco工人 准备罢工 工资, 福利作为最后期限即将到来。 Costco workers in Southern California prepare to strike over wages, benefits as deadline looms.
南加州27家商店的Costco工人正准备在午夜合同最后期限临近之际罢工。 Costco workers at 27 Southern California stores are preparing to strike as a midnight contract deadline approaches. 工人正在寻求更好的工资和福利,但工会和公司之间尚未达成决议。 Workers are seeking better wages and benefits, with no resolution yet reached between the union and the company. 罢工可能影响到数千名雇员,并扰乱受影响商店的业务。 A strike could affect thousands of employees and disrupt operations at the affected stores.