康涅狄格州引进了药剂师规定的节育办法和低成本的避孕自动售货机。 Connecticut introduces pharmacist-prescribed birth control and a low-cost contraception vending machine.
康涅狄格州启动了一个新方案,允许药剂师在经过40美元四小时的认证课程后实施节育措施。 Connecticut has launched a new program allowing pharmacists to prescribe birth control after a $40, four-hour certification course. 国家还在康涅狄格大学安装了自动售货机,以低于当地药店的价格出售紧急避孕药、避孕套和妊娠测试。 The state also installed a vending machine at the University of Connecticut that sells emergency contraception, condoms, and pregnancy tests at a lower cost than local pharmacies. 这些倡议旨在改善全州获得避孕和保健的机会。 These initiatives aim to improve access to contraception and healthcare across the state.