爱荷华州法案允许无需处方即可避孕。 Iowa bill advances to permit contraception without prescription.
爱荷华州允许无处方避孕的提案已取得进展。 A proposal to allow contraception without a prescription in Iowa has advanced. 该法案得到了州长金·雷诺兹和其他民主党州议员的支持,将为妇女提供更多获得避孕药具的机会,从而有可能减少意外怀孕和对政府援助的依赖。 The bill, which has been supported by Governor Kim Reynolds and other Democratic state lawmakers, would provide greater access to contraceptives for women, potentially reducing unintended pregnancies and dependence on government assistance. 然而,反对者对这对女性健康的影响表示担忧,特别是在没有医生参与的情况下。 However, opponents have raised concerns about the impact on women's health, particularly when a physician is not involved. 这个问题将在共和党领导的爱荷华州众议院进一步辩论。 The issue is set to be debated further in the Republican-led Iowa House.