在孟加拉国,癌症影响到每10万人106人,乳癌、口癌和胃癌最为普遍。 Cancer affects 106 per 100,000 in Bangladesh, with breast, mouth, and stomach cancers most common.
孟加拉国班加班杜·谢赫·穆吉卜医科大学(BSMU)的一项研究发现,孟加拉国每10万人中有106人患有癌症,这一疾病造成12%的死亡。 A study by Bangladesh's Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) found that 106 out of every one lakh people in Bangladesh suffer from cancer, with the disease causing 12% of total deaths. 最常见的癌症是乳房、口腔、胃、呼吸道和宫颈癌。 The most common cancers are breast, mouth, stomach, respiratory tract, and cervical. 在201 668名参与者中,93%的癌症患者年龄在18-75岁之间,2.4%是儿童,5.1%超过75岁。 Among 201,668 participants, 93% of cancer patients were aged 18-75, 2.4% were children, and 5.1% were over 75. 肺、喉癌和胃癌是导致癌症死亡的主要原因,男性的发病率高于女性。 Lung, laryngeal, and stomach cancers were leading causes of cancer deaths, with males having a higher prevalence than females.