Jr. Anthony Cottner Jr. 被判犯有2023年在爱荷华酒吧外性侵犯和勒死一名妇女的罪行。 Anthony Cotner Jr. found guilty of sexually assaulting and strangling a woman outside an Iowa bar in 2023.
2023年10月,锡达拉皮兹市26岁的Anthony Cotner Jr. 被判犯有性攻击和勒死爱荷华市一家酒吧外一名妇女的罪行。 In October 2023, Anthony Cotner Jr., 26, of Cedar Rapids, was found guilty of sexually assaulting and strangling a woman outside a bar in Iowa City. 袭击发生在Pre-Game休息厅和Hookah Bar附近,Cotner在陪审团商议3小时后被定罪。 The attack happened near Pre-Game Lounge and Hookah Bar, and Cotner was convicted after a jury deliberated for three hours. 证据包括受害人衣物中与Cotner和证人证词相符的DNA。 Evidence included DNA from the victim's clothing matching Cotner's and witness statements. 他面临长达25年的监禁,罪名是二级性侵犯。 He faces up to 25 years in prison for second-degree sexual assault.