犹他州考虑把通过公民税收倡议的门槛从50%的选票提高到60%。 Utah considers raising the threshold for passing citizen tax initiatives from 50% to 60% of votes.
犹他州立法者正在考虑一项宪法修正案,将提高公民倡议所需的投票率,将税收从50%提高到60%。 Utah lawmakers are considering a constitutional amendment that would increase the vote needed for citizen initiatives that raise taxes from 50% to 60%. SJR2提案今年1月通过了参议院的一个委员会,将需要在2026年投票之前通过立法机构。 The proposal, SJR2, passed a Senate committee this January and would need to pass the Legislature before appearing on the 2026 ballot. 支持者,如犹他州参议员林肯·菲尔莫(Lincoln Fillmore)认为这更能代表纳税人, Supporters, like Utah State Senator Lincoln Fillmore, argue it would better represent taxpayers, while opponents claim it would make it harder for citizens to enact change through initiatives.