UP警察的体能测试录取卡已经发放;48万申请人的考试于2月10日开始。 UP police admit cards for the Physical Efficiency Test are out; test begins Feb 10 for 48 lakh applicants.
UPP警察招聘和升级委员会已宣布于2月3日发放体育效率测试入场卡,在2月3日发放第一阶段入场卡,在2月10日发放第二阶段入场卡。 The UP Police Recruitment and Promotion Board has announced the release of admit cards for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) on February 3 for Phase 1 and February 10 for Phase 2. PET于2025年2月10日开始, 候选人可以下载他们的入学卡, The PET starts on February 10, 2025, and candidates can download their admit cards from uppbpb.gov.in. 这一征聘工作旨在填补60 244个空缺,有48名以上候选人提出申请。 This recruitment drive aims to fill 60,244 vacancies, with over 48 lakh candidates applying. 考试内容包括跑步、跳跃和比赛活动。 The exam consists of running, jumping, and racing activities.