Assam TET录取卡12月15日提供;12月29日的考试要求录取卡和照片身份证。 Assam TET admit cards available December 15; exam on December 29 requires admit card and photo ID.
12月15日上午11点在上可使用申请号码和密码下载Assam TET及招聘测试的入场卡。 Admit cards for the Assam TET cum Recruitment Test will be available for download on December 15 at 11 AM on using the application number and password. 考试定于12月29日举行, 候选人必须带入场卡及政府开具的照片身分证到考试地点。 The exam is set for December 29, and candidates must bring their admit card and a government-issued photo ID to the exam location. PwD候选人需要提供主管当局的证书。 PwD candidates need to provide a certificate from a competent authority.