工会要求1 400万公共劳动者的工资增加3 000英镑,理由是工资差距和穷人的提高。 Unions demand £3,000 pay rise for 1.4M public workers, citing wage disparity and poor raises.
代表英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰140万理事会和学校工人的三大工会要求年薪增加3 000英镑,理由是其成员没有得到给予其他公共部门工人的较高加薪。 Three major unions representing 1.4 million council and school workers in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland are demanding a £3,000 annual pay rise, arguing that their members have not received the higher wage increases granted to other public sector workers. 工会还要求每小时最低工资为15英镑,增加一天的年假,并减少每周工作2小时。 The unions are also calling for a minimum hourly wage of £15, an extra day of annual leave, and a two-hour reduction in the working week. 这些要求是在理事会工作人员去年只得到2.5%的加薪之后提出的。 These demands come after council staff received only a 2.5% pay increase last year.