2月18日起, 内地设计专家Siobhan Lam以法官身份加入「年度家庭」行列。 Siobhan Lam, an interior design expert, joins "Home of the Year" as a judge, starting February 18.
室内设计专家、April and the Bear 的所有者 Siobhan Lam 作为新评委加入了 RTÉ 的热门节目“年度之家”。 Siobhan Lam, an interior design expert and owner of April and the Bear, joins RTÉ's popular show "Home of the Year" as a new judge. 2月18日的节目返回, 由爱尔兰各地的房屋组成。 The show returns on February 18, featuring homes from across Ireland. Lam将与建筑师Amanda Bone一起评估房屋情况,并展示Hugh Wallace主机,侧重于设计、功能和个性。 Lam will evaluate homes alongside architects Amanda Bone and show host Hugh Wallace, focusing on design, functionality, and individuality. 赛季将持续八周 获胜者将在四月宣布 The season will run for eight weeks, with the winner announced in April.