札幌雪节面临气候挑战,但采用可持续技术。 Sapporo Snow Festival faces climate challenges but adapts with sustainable technologies.
札幌雪节是每年吸引200万游客的重要活动,面临气候变化、费用增加和工作人员短缺的挑战。 The Sapporo Snow Festival, a major event attracting 2 million visitors annually, faces challenges from climate change, increased costs, and staff shortages. 为了适应,该城市正在测试氢能和太阳能电池板等可持续解决方案。 To adapt, the city is testing sustainable solutions like hydrogen energy and solar panels. 尽管困难重重,雕塑家和官员仍致力于保存节日传统,同时适应新的环境变化。 Despite difficulties, sculptors and officials are committed to preserving the festival tradition while adapting to new environmental changes.