救援人员正努力解救在苏格兰斯凯海岸上 被绳子缠住的座头鲸 Rescuers are working to free a humpback whale entangled in rope off Scotland's Skye coast.
救援人员正努力释放苏格兰斯凯海岸外 被绳子缠住的座头鲸 Rescuers are working to free a humpback whale entangled in rope off the coast of Skye, Scotland. 一位公众提醒英国多样性海洋生物救援组织(BDMLR)注意受困鲸鱼,并动员其大型鲸鱼分解小组以及当地帮助和应急服务,安全救出该动物。 The British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) was alerted to the distressed whale by a member of the public and has mobilized its Large Whale Disentanglement Team, along with local help and emergency services, to safely free the animal. BDMLR要求人员和船只在救援行动期间远离该地区。 The BDMLR has requested that people and boats stay away from the area during the rescue operation.