座头鲸从维多利亚海岸 200 米长的绳索和 11 个浮标中解脱出来。 Humpback whale freed from 200m of rope and 11 buoys off the Victorian coast.
一头座头鲸在维多利亚海岸被解救,它可能携带着来自南极洲的大量鱼线、绳索和浮标。 A humpback whale, possibly carrying a tangled mass of fishing lines, ropes and buoys from Antarctica, was freed off the Victorian coast. 这头鲸鱼首先在吉普斯兰的洛克斯波特附近被发现,后来又在湖区入口附近被发现,解救人员在那里拆除了 200 米长的绳索和 11 个浮标。 The whale was first spotted near Loch Sport, Gippsland, and later near Lakes Entrance, where disentanglement crews removed 200 metres of rope and 11 flotation buoys. 截至周六下午,大部分绳索和浮标已被拆除,鲸鱼得以继续迁徙。 The bulk of the ropes and buoys were removed by Saturday afternoon, allowing the whale to continue its migration.