在密歇根州,个人面临严重虐待动物的指控,包括被遗弃和挨饿的狗的死亡。 In Michigan, individuals face charges for severe animal cruelty, including the death of abandoned and starved dogs.
在密歇根州Genesee县分别发生的事件中,Jeremy Justin Neph和一对夫妇Jamie Lynn Cross和Bruce Arlyn Austin面临虐待动物的指控。 In separate incidents in Genesee County, Michigan, Jeremy Justin Neph and a couple, Jamie Lynn Cross and Bruce Arlyn Austin, are facing charges for animal cruelty. Neph被控在没有食物或水的情况下在笼子里丢弃两只狗;一只狗必须被安乐死。 Neph was charged with abandoning two dogs in cages without food or water; one had to be euthanized. Cross Austin和Cross Austin被询问在家中发现的两只饿死的小狗和一只幸存的狗的死亡情况。 Cross and Austin are sought for questioning regarding the deaths of two starved puppies found in their home, with one surviving dog. 当局促请公众与他们联系,了解Cross and Austin的下落。 Authorities urge the public to contact them with information on the whereabouts of Cross and Austin.