两名爱荷华居民在他们营养不良的狗被扣押后面临动物虐待指控。 Two Iowa residents face animal cruelty charges after their malnourished dogs were seized.
在爱荷华州Ottumwa, 两人在发现两只严重营养不良的狗缺乏足够的食物或医疗照顾后,被控犯有虐待动物罪。 Two individuals in Ottumwa, Iowa, were charged with animal cruelty after their two severely malnourished dogs were found without adequate food or medical care. 在投诉和调查后,这些狗被带到当地兽医处治疗。 The dogs were taken to a local vet for treatment following complaints and an investigation. 这对夫妇承认知道狗的情况不佳,但没有寻求兽医帮助。 The couple admitted to knowing about the dogs' poor condition but did not seek veterinary help.