男子因出售芬太尼带假氧考酮而被判处10年监禁,缴获8 100片药丸。 Man sentenced to 10 years for selling fentanyl-laced fake oxycodone, with 8,100 pills seized.
来自得克萨斯州Del Valle的一名22岁男子因分发装有芬太尼的假氧可酮药片,被判处10年徒刑。 A 22-year-old man from Del Valle, Texas, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for distributing fake oxycodone pills laced with fentanyl. 缉毒署购买了两批这些危险药丸,总共3,100片。 The Drug Enforcement Administration conducted two purchases of these dangerous pills, totaling 3,100 pills. 在Osorio于2023年6月被捕期间,又发现5 000多片药丸,以及4件火器、珠宝和近46 000美元现金。 During his arrest in June 2023, Osorio was found with 5,000 more pills, along with four firearms, jewelry, and nearly $46,000 in cash. 他还被命令没收这些物项。 He was also ordered to forfeit these items.