艾伦·舒格勋爵 (Lord Alan Sugar) 将艾玛·罗斯韦尔 (Emma Rothwell) 从《学徒》中解雇,尽管她在大流行病期间取得了商业上的成功。 Lord Alan Sugar dismissed Emma Rothwell from "The Apprentice" despite her pandemic business success.
在BBC的《学徒》的第一集中, Alan Sugar勋爵解雇了一家在线礼品店店主Emma Rothwell, 她的团队在奥地利卖阿尔卑斯山旅游时挣扎不已。 In the first episode of BBC's "The Apprentice," Lord Alan Sugar dismissed Emma Rothwell, owner of an online gift store, after her team struggled with selling Alpine tours in Austria. Emma把600英镑的投资 变成了一个成功的生意 在没有外部帮助的封锁期间 Emma turned a £600 investment into a successful business during lockdown without external help. 她计划创建一个在线平台,让设计师赚取被动收入。 She plans to create an online platform for designers to earn passive income. 尽管她被解雇,但Emma仍然决心证明她的商业敏锐。 Despite her dismissal, Emma remains determined to prove her business acumen. 这个节目每星期四晚上9点在BBC One和iPlayer播放, 共有18名参赛者竞争Sugar勋爵的25万英镑投资和辅导。 The show, which airs every Thursday at 9 pm on BBC One and iPlayer, features 18 contestants competing for Lord Sugar's £250,000 investment and mentorship.