肯亚州长Okoth Obado因大学生Sharon Otieno遭谋杀而受审。 Kenyan governor Okoth Obado faces trial for university student Sharon Otieno's murder.
肯尼亚高等法院裁定,前Migori州长Okoth Obado和另外两人将因谋杀大学生Sharon Otieno而受审。 The Kenyan High Court has ruled that former Migori Governor Okoth Obado and two others will face trial for the murder of university student Sharon Otieno. 法院认定检方提出的足够证据足以要求辩护。 The court found enough evidence presented by the prosecution to require a defense. 检方带来了42名证人,包括一名与Otieno一起被绑架的记者。 The prosecution brought 42 witnesses, including a journalist who was kidnapped with Otieno. 案件定于2025年2月25日进行进一步听证。 The case is set for further hearings on February 25, 2025.