肯尼亚参议员和抗议者因指称政府绑架事件在示威中被捕。 Kenyan senator and protesters arrested during demonstrations over alleged government abductions.
反对党参议员Okiya Omtataah及抗议人士在内罗毕抗议政府批评者遭绑架的示威中被捕。 Opposition Senator Okiya Omtatah and protesters were arrested in Nairobi during demonstrations against alleged abductions of government critics. 肯尼亚国家人权委员会自6月以来报告了82个案件。 The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights has reported 82 cases since June. 鲁托总统承诺结束绑架,而权利团体则指控警方参与。 President Ruto promised to end the abductions, while rights groups accuse the police of involvement. Omtatah向法院提出一个案件,要求释放7名被绑架的青年。 Omtatah filed a court case seeking the release of seven abducted youths.