爱尔兰政府责成公务员在办公室工作至少两天,面对工会的反对。 Irish government mandates civil servants work at least two days in the office, facing union opposition.
爱尔兰政府正在要求公务员在办公室里花费更多的时间,社会保障部规定每周至少要在办公室里呆两天。 The Irish government is requiring civil servants to spend more time in the office, with the Department of Social Protection mandating at least two days per week in the office. 最大的公共服务工会Fórsa反对这一举动,指责政府不经咨询而减少远程工作。 The largest public service trade union, Fórsa, opposes this move, accusing the government of reducing remote working without consultation. 如果成员面临维持现有工作安排的纪律措施,Fórsa正在准备潜在的工业行动。 Fórsa is preparing for potential industrial action if members face disciplinary measures for maintaining current work arrangements.