前英军中士Jed Charlot因诈骗国防部、在eBay上出售用品而被判处3年徒刑。 Former British Army Sgt Jed Charlot sentenced to 3 years for defrauding MoD, selling supplies on eBay.
前英国陆军中士杰德·夏洛特 (Jed Charlot) 因订购价值近 500,000 英镑的物资并在 eBay 上转售来欺骗国防部,被判处三年监禁。 Former British Army Sergeant Jed Charlot was sentenced to three years in prison for defrauding the Ministry of Defence by ordering nearly £500,000 worth of supplies and reselling them on eBay. 45岁的Charlot 用这笔钱 来资助奢侈的生活方式 取悦他的情妇 Charlot, 45, used the money to fund an extravagant lifestyle and please his mistress. 一名同事发现了这一欺诈行为,他注意到打印机用品支出异常。 The fraud was uncovered by a colleague who noticed unusual spending on printer supplies. Charlot认罪,将至少服满14个月,然后获得许可证获释。 Charlot pleaded guilty and will serve a minimum of 14 months before being released on license.