公平竞争委员会对NPR和PBS可能违反商业广告规则的行为进行调查。 FCC investigates NPR and PBS over potential commercial advertisement rule violations.
FCC主席Brendan Carr已对NPR和PBS展开调查,以了解他们是否通过播放可被视为商业广告的广告而违反联邦规则。 FCC Chairman Brendan Carr has launched an investigation into NPR and PBS to see if they are violating federal rules by airing what could be considered commercial advertisements. 两个组织都表示遵守条例。 Both organizations say they comply with regulations. 这项调查可能会影响正在进行的关于是否继续用纳税人的钱为 NPR 和 PBS 提供资金的讨论。 The probe could affect ongoing discussions about whether to continue funding NPR and PBS with taxpayer money.