3 家天主教广播网络向联邦通信委员会提出请愿,抗议其员工人口统计披露要求,认为其侵犯了宗教自由。 3 Catholic radio networks petition against FCC over employee demographic disclosure requirement, arguing religious freedom violation.
3 家天主教广播网络已向美国联邦通信委员会 (FCC) 提交了一份请愿书,抗议其新规定,该规定要求广播电台和电视台公布员工的种族和性别信息。 3 Catholic radio networks have filed a petition against the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) over new requirements that mandate radio and TV stations publish info about employee race and gender. 该网络认为它侵犯了宗教自由,支持 LGBTQ 游说利益,并可能受到即将出台的最高法院裁决的影响。 The networks argue it violates religious freedoms, supports LGBTQ lobby interests, and may be affected by upcoming Supreme Court rulings. 美国联邦通信委员会恢复了 2004 年的一项要求,即要求广播电台每年提交 395-B 表格,列出员工人口统计数据。 The FCC reinstated a 2004 requirement for radio stations to annually file Form 395-B listing employee demographics.