自2021年以来,联邦调查局的性行为不端投诉增加了50%,共计近300项指控。 FBI faces 50% rise in sexual misconduct complaints since 2021, totaling nearly 300 allegations.
自2021年以来,联邦调查局的性不当行为投诉增加了50%,共近300项指控。 The FBI has seen a 50% increase in sexual misconduct complaints since 2021, totaling nearly 300 allegations. 该局声称,这一上升表明其改革使举报不当行为更加容易,但批评者认为,这种上升凸显出在男性主导的工作场所保护妇女的斗争。 The bureau claims this rise shows its reforms are making it easier to report misconduct, but critics argue it highlights a struggle to protect women in its male-dominated workplace. 联邦调查局说,它认真对待这些指控,并迅速采取行动, 尽管它没有披露内部调查的结果。 The FBI states it takes these allegations seriously and acts on them quickly, though it hasn't disclosed the outcomes of internal investigations.