联邦调查局局长提名的Kash Patel, 在参议员Graham的支持下, 批评“Crossfire飓风”特朗普-俄罗斯调查是腐败的。 FBI Director nominee Kash Patel, backed by Senator Graham, criticized the "Crossfire Hurricane" Trump-Russia probe as corrupt.
在Kash Patel为联邦调查局局长举行的确认听证会上, 参议员Lindsey Graham质疑“Crossfire飓风”对Trump-俄罗斯关系的指控调查, During Kash Patel's confirmation hearing for FBI Director, Senator Lindsey Graham questioned the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation into alleged Trump-Russia ties, criticizing it as corrupt and politically motivated. Patel,Trump的盟友,同意这些批评意见。 Patel, a Trump ally, agreed with these criticisms. 听证会凸显了对调查及其对联邦调查局廉正的影响的持续怀疑。 The hearing highlighted ongoing skepticism about the investigation and its implications for the FBI's integrity.