参议院司法委员会支持Kash Patel的联调局局长提名 进行两票投票表决 Senate Judiciary Committee advances Kash Patel's nomination for FBI Director in a divided vote.
参议院司法委员会以12-10的党派投票提名卡什·帕特尔成为联邦调查局局长. The Senate Judiciary Committee has advanced Kash Patel's nomination to become FBI Director in a 12-10 party-line vote. 尽管民主党对帕特尔在执法问题上的立场以及他参与 1 月 6 日抗议者的担忧表示反对,但该委员会的决定为参议院的全体投票扫清了道路。 Despite Democratic objections over concerns about Patel’s stance on law enforcement issues and his involvement with January 6th protesters, the committee's decision clears the way for a full Senate vote. 前情报官员Patel预计将面临共和党成员的支持。 Patel, a former intelligence official, is expected to face support from Republican members.